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Seed capsule maturation time
      After pollination, the formation of seeds begins until they are mature, which means viability for good sowing succeeded. 
      The table below was translated from the website ofAmerican Orchid Society, published under the title originas de"Harvesting Times of Orchid Seed Capsules for the Green Pod Culture Process"under the authority of Ruben Sauleda.

Receiving Plant


Cattleya labiata group 

Bifoliate Cattleya Group

Cattleya flava, cinnabarina, harpophylla

Cattleya xanthina, perrinii, purpurata

Laelia rubescens, anceps

Rhyncholaelia (sp.)

Brassavola (sp.)

Cattleya coccinea

Epidendrum (sp. and hybrids)

Encyclia (sp. and hybrids)

Broughtonia sp.

Cattleya Labiata Hybrids Group (white, lavender, pink, semi alba)

Group of Cattleya Labiata Hybrids (yellow, orange and flamed)

Group of Cattleya Labiata Hybrids including ancient Sophronitis

Cattleya bifoliate hybrids

Oncidium sp.

Trichocentrum sp.  (including former species of Onc. "Mule ear")

Trichocentrum sp. (including ancient species of Onc. "rat tail")

Psychopsis sp.

Trichocentrum microchilum, splendidum

Tolumnia sp.

Rodriguezia sp.

Miltonia sp.

Dendrobium devonianum, lituifolium, anosmum

Dendrobium nobile and its hybrids

Dendrobium bigibbum (phalaenopsis) and its hybrids

Dendrobium stratiotes, superbiens and their hybrids

Vanda sp. and hybrids 

Ascocentrum sp. and hybrids

Ascocenda híbridos

Vandopsis sp.

Phalaenopsis sp. and their hybrids

Rhynchostylis sp. and their hybrids

Aerides sp. and their hybrids

Renanthera sp. and their hybrids

Maxillaria sp.

Chysis sp.

Ansellia sp.

Cyrtopodium sp.

Phaius sp.

Bulbophyllum (including Cirrhopetalum)

Optimum period for harvesting (days)










































Average (days) 










































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